March 14, 2021 - Submission: The True Strength of Character - Pastor Paul Vallee

March 14, 2021 - Submission: The True Strength of Character - Pastor Paul Vallee
Living Stones Church, Red Deer, Alberta
March 14, 2021 - Submission: The True Strength of Character - Pastor Paul Vallee

Jun 12 2023 | 00:54:11

Episode 11 June 12, 2023 00:54:11

Show Notes

Romans 13:1-7

The great value of the past is that we can learn from it. One of the reasons that the bible is so valuable is that we are learning how God has related to humanity over the course of thousands of years. Though the context of life may appear different, God has not changed, and the reality is that as human beings, we are still struggling with the same issues. We are living in a day where there is an absence of respect and honour toward others. Suspicion, criticism, fault finding, and anger are the order of the day. Yet, as we tour the New Testament, we find totally different ethics reflected by Jesus and his followers and their instruction to genuine believers. These are some of the ‘sinful desires that wage war against our soul’ (cf. 1 Pet. 2:11). How do we see others? How do we respond to those we disagree with? Or those who criticize and attack us? What does it mean to be a non-conformist? How do we live a transformed life in a morally perverse world? What does it mean to submit to God, others, and even those who are in various realms of authority over our lives?

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