January 29, 2023 - Building Thriving Families in a Fragmented Culture - Pastor Paul Vallee

January 29, 2023 - Building Thriving Families in a Fragmented Culture - Pastor Paul Vallee
Living Stones Church, Red Deer, Alberta
January 29, 2023 - Building Thriving Families in a Fragmented Culture - Pastor Paul Vallee

Jun 20 2023 | 00:48:03

Episode 5 June 20, 2023 00:48:03

Show Notes

Ephesians 5, Marriage Series

How tragic that in many human relationships, neither party will submit nor back down, resulting in fragmentation. Some marriages are like that. A constant source of conflict and contention. Both parties are striving to have their way. Healthy families are where all the members learn to submit to one another. This attitude of mutual submission is a work of the Holy Spirit. It comes as we yield to the Holy Spirit. One of the fruit or results of a Spirit-controlled life is a life of submission, first to God and then to others. How many realize that insecure people have to have their way? People who are secure in their relationship with God are not trusting in their own abilities or ability to control life’s situations. They are confident that God is in control and will have His way. One of the great challenges in our present culture is our struggle in our most meaningful and intimate relationships. Families today are disintegrating all around us. Why?

One of the primary reasons is that we are not living a life controlled by God, the Holy Spirit, which is reflected in willful submission to God. As we turn to the book of Ephesians today, I want us to take a brief overview of what a Christian family should look like and how we can become live like that. In the last two chapters of Ephesians, we find a marriage and a home controlled by a power greater than the sinful nature producing an incredible environment. This environment becomes a place where love can blossom. How can this kind of family develop?

“Do not get drunk with wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18). In this context of being filled with the Spirit, we find the most sublime reference to marriage in the entire Scriptures. Ephesians 5 goes on to describe the Spirit-controlled family. The greatest metaphor to explain our covenant with God is marriage. For God’s part, we see this amazing expression of submission and yielding of rights to bring redemption on behalf of the church. Jesus’ selfless surrender for the sake of you and me. You cannot fully understand a Christian marriage and family apart from Calvary’s love: God’s redeeming, restoring, reconciling method and message. One word best summarizes a Christian marriage and family, and that word is submission. When we understand the nature of biblical submission and begin to yield to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, our homes will be transformed.

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